Sunday, 15 May 2011


Play Test Results

Ten participants were used (my friends). There was only enough equipment to test 1 on 1 type matches. So each participant had two turns against random opponents, and so there were ten games of one round. There was no need to time the matches, they threw all the balls at each other quickly enough, there were only six each after all.

For the sake of testing the speed attribute 1 is worth 5, 2 is worth 10 and 3 is worth 15, this is a lot less than what speed is worth in the real game (rules), this is to compensate for the less ball in this concept version.
Also for the sake of testing and in order to speed things up, the games were only ever one round, who ever came highest on the dice card ranking one, if they were in the same part it was a draw. This style could also be developed into a quick-play mode for the game so you have all the great strategy aspects of a normal game, but you can play it in a shorter time period, possibly the best way to play the game due to it's nature, testing showed a like for the game but not necessarily for long periods of play.

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