Saturday, 19 March 2011

Game research

Nintendo board games:
No Nintendo video game based physical games were found apart from these games which are classic board games but with Nintendo characters to sponsor them.
This shows a gap in the market for a physical game solely based on a Nintendo video game.

Video game board games:
Here you can see that their have been some attempts in the past of board games based on video games, but not for many years and they were not all very well received such as Donkey Kong which I discussed more in Assessment 1 (plan).

I have not had to do much research about the Super Smash Bros video game because I am a massive fan and know hot it works. But I did look a lot into its imagery to base my designs on.

Where to buy Velcro:
You can see here that many games using Velcro do exist and are very successful, some classic even. But none exactly like the one I want to produce seem to exist, so this project would be filling a niche market segment.

Animation references:
You can see in these links to Pokemon card ads they use epic 3D animations to build hype about new Pokemon cards, this is what will be done in the trailer/demo sequence for this project.

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